Saturday, January 2, 2016

How To Unclog A Toilet Without A Plunger Or Plumber

If you’re faced with a clogged toilet and you don’t have a plunger or don’t want to use a plunger because it’s too disgusting  try this trick .  Pouring some dish soap into the toilet bowl followed by some hot water may be all that's needed to get things flowing properly down the toilet's drain. In as little as 15 minutes, your toilet can be unclogged, and no one else in the household has to be the wiser.

Here are the steps:

1. Pour a healthy amount of liquid soap into your toilet bowl, about half a cup. The soap is denser and heavier than water and should drop to the bottom of the bowl.

2. Let the liquid dish soap sit in the bowl for 20-30 minutes. Over time the soap will seep into the clog lubricating the trap way.

3. After 20 minutes fill up a container with hot water and pour it into the bowl. Make sure not to overflow the toilet bowl. Slowly the clog should work it’s way free.

This does not work for all clogs but people have reported success by repeating steps 1-3 again if it doesn’t clear the clog the first time. Some said they did this at night and the clog was gone in the morning.

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