Monday, September 23, 2019

5 Things That Make It Difficult to Sell a House

Most likely, your house is the most-valuable asset that you own. That being the case, you obviously want to get top-dollar when you decide to put your house on the market. Selling your home can be a stressful and emotional time, so you want to do everything you can do to make the process run as smoothly as possible.

Toward that end, there are some things to watch out for when putting your house on the market. Each of the five points listed below could make it quite difficult to sell your home, depending on market conditions and other factors.

#1 – You Priced It Too High

This should be an obvious point, but it deserves a spot at the top of our list because it is such a costly mistake. While everyone knows that listing prices are negotiable in the world of home buying and selling, listing your house too high might cause prospective buyers to miss out on even seeing your house in the first place. For example, if a prospective buyer is looking to spend between $350,000 and $400,000, and you list your home for $405,000, that buyer might not even consider your property as an option. Be realistic and list your home for fair market value with the help of a real estate agent.

#2 – Poor Curb Appeal

First impressions matter, so make sure your home gets off to a great start with any prospective buyers. When someone drives up to your home for the first time, what are they going to notice? If they are met with messy landscaping and other exterior issues, they will instantly have a negative association with the home. Make sure your house looks good from the street with tidy landscaping and a clean entrance.

#3 – Clutter, Clutter, Clutter

Before buying a home, shoppers are certainly going to want to walk through the house to get a good understanding of its layout, condition, size, etc. However, if your house is so full of stuff that prospective buyers can barely walk through safely, they are going to have a hard time making a decision. Clean up before you put your house on the market, and store your excess stuff elsewhere if necessary.

#4 – Invisible Online

Nearly all prospective buyers are going to start their home-buying process online these days, so make sure your house has a presence on the web when it goes up for sale. Sure, you can put a sign out in the yard, but that sign isn’t going to attract nearly as many people as a professional listing with quality pictures and a clear description.

#5 – A Major Problem

No home is perfect, and if you have been living in a home for a number of years it is sure to have a couple of issues here and there. That is fine, and it won’t stop most people from making an offer if they like the house otherwise. However, if there is a big problem with the house, you might run into trouble. Some examples of big problems that can impede a sale would include a leaky roof or an unstable foundation. You don’t need to fix everything about your house before it goes for sale, but make sure you address any major issues that are going to turn off most buyers.

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